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Terms and conditions of using Library of the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice collection

I. General Provisions

§ 1

1. The Library of the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice provides the library service to all users.

2. The library collection is available: in reading rooms, by individual loans, by interlibrary loans, by payable photocopies, and by digital copies.

3. The user can ask the librarian for library and bibliographic information, as well as for help in using the catalogues.

4. Complying with hereby Regulations is a condition of using the Library collection.

5. On signing the Reader declaration (pdf; 239 KB) Reader agrees to the processing of his/her personal data in the library system and potential claims of the Library concerning damaged or not returned items.

6. Personal Data is controlled by the Medical University of Silesia, Katowice. Data may be disclosed to third parties only on the basis of agreement entrusting data processing in accordance with Article 28 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation).

7. Providing an e-mail address while registering at the Library stands for consent to receive library information by this means.

8. The reader is materially responsible for the damage of borrowed library items.

§ 2

1. To apply for the library card one has to produce (depending on the status):

  • students of SUM – valid student ID and student’s credit book,
  • the students of public universities in Silesian agglomeration – student ID and confirmation of the reader's registration in the readers' database with the stamp of the home library,
  • other users – identification card.

While sign-up the user has to fill in the Reader declaration (pdf; 239 KB) and undertake to comply with hereby Regulations. The Reader declaration form constitutes Appendix 1 to this Terms and conditions.

§ 3

1. Not complying with hereby Regulations or behavior inconsistent with the commonly required norms deprive the reader of the right to use the services of the Library. The librarian has the right to expel readers:

  • behaving aggressively towards other users or librarians,
  • under the influence of alcohol,
  • using words commonly considered offensive,
  • violating generally applicable personal hygiene standards,
  • not complying with the provisions of the Regulations.

2. In case of unsettling the obligations of the reader, the Library can file a claim in accordance with valid law.

3. The Library may charge fees for the following works and services:

  • issuing an electronic library card and its duplicate,
  • security deposit loans
  • returning materials after the due date and sending reminders,
  • services regarding interlibrary loans
  • producing photocopies, digital copies and computer printouts
  • information services

4. The price list for services offered by the Library is determined by a decision of a Rector.

II. Lending

§ 4

1. The following entities are entitled to borrow items from the collection of the Library:

  • students and employees of SUM,
  • doctoral students of SUM,
  • post-graduate students at SUM,
  • students of the Third Age University organized by SUM,
  • former employees of SUM who have retired,
  • students of public universities within Silesian agglomeration,
  • others, who reached the age of 18 - provided deposit has been paid.

2. The right to borrow items is obtained through:

  • sign-up to the Library,
  • accepting hereby Regulations and signing the Reader declaration (pdf; 239 KB)
  • paying a deposit, in the case specified in point 1.

§ 5

1. Library card entitles to borrow items. In the case of SUM students, a valid student ID operates as a library card.

2. The library account is valid until October 31st each year.

3. The prolongation of the Library account is done personally in the Library.

4. The fees for issuing the library card, prolongation, making a copy are determined by the Price List.

5. The owner of the library card is responsible for its use.

6. The Library should be immediately notified of the loss of library card, change of name, address, or other data stated in the Reader declaration (pdf; 239 KB).

7. The library is not responsible for the use of the library card or student card by third parties until the card user notifies otherwise.

8. Failure to obey to hereby Regulations results in blocking the user’s account.

§ 6

1. Ordering of library items for lending is done after authorization in the library system on a computer stand situated within the library or any computer connected to the Internet.

2. The loan is registered in an electronic library system based on the item barcode and reader’s card or student card.

3. Items are lent for a period of time defined by status in the electronic library system.

4. The reader has the right to borrow only one copy of the same edition.

5. The ordered item should be picked up within the reservation period, which is 7 working days (short-term loans i.e. one or two days are reserved for one day). If one does not pick up the library items, they are sent back to the stacks.

6. Short-term borrowing of items from the reading room book collections is allowed after each time obtaining the consent of the librarian on duty.

7. Ordered library items are to be picked up personally by the Reader.

§ 7

Rules for borrowing books:

  • students and employees of SUM – 25 volumes,
  • doctoral students of SUM – 10 volumes,
  • post-graduate students at SUM – 2 volumes,
  • students of the Third Age University organized by SUM – 2 volumes,
  • students of public universities within Silesian agglomeration – 2 volumes,
  • former employees of SUM who have retired– 2 volumes,
  • others, provided deposit has been paid - 2 volumes.

§ 8

1. On borrowing the library items the reader becomes responsible for them fully and obligated to return them within the due date in the condition as on the moment of borrowing.

2. The readers are obligated to check the condition of the item they borrow. All kinds of damage should be indicated to the librarian and noted while lending.

3. The reader can borrow items after settling debts towards the Library.

4. The reader is obligated to monitor the state of his/her account.

§ 9

1. The library system sends information on the upcoming due date of the library items via e-mail, however, lack of notification (e.g. misspelled e-mail address or its lack, anti-spam protection systems) does not release the Reader from returning items on a date.

2. The loan period for library items can be prolonged if there are no requests from the other users. Prolonging is possible at the latest on the due date.

3. In justified cases, the Library can request the return of borrowed items before the due date.

4. Not returning borrowed items causes:

  • charging fine for each day of delay,
  • sending an overdue letter by e-mail or by post,
  • charging the reader with the cost of sending the overdue letter,
  • obligation to pay the fine determined in the Price list or providing items indicated by the Library (pdf; 84 KB) with a value equivalent to the cost of not returning the library materials on time.
  • payment can be made:
    • in the library,
    • via the electronic payment system (the option is available after logging in),
    • by transfer to the University's account.

§ 10

In case of not returning, partial damage or complete damage of library items Reader must either:

  • repurchase identical item, or
  • purchase item indicated by the Library, or
  • propose items which acceptance depends on their usefulness as regards the Library collection, or
  • if necessary, cover the costs of binding, or
  • pay the equivalent in accordance with the rules indicated in the Price list.

§ 11

Requirements for obtaining the stamp of settlement on the circular:

  • return of all borrowed library items,
  • settling other obligations toward the library,
  • presenting confirmation of returning books from other libraries with stamps of those libraries.

§ 12

The following cannot be borrowed (available only in reading rooms):

  • special collections, rare and expensive items,
  • books from reference collection and collection situated in reading rooms,
  • journals and serials,
  • dictionaries, encyclopedias, bibliography, general directories if there is only one copy in the Library,
  • damaged items, requiring conservation.

§ 13

The entitlement to borrow items after settling the obligations terminates:

  • on completing or quitting the studies,
  • not prolonging the user’s account,
  • Reader’s resignation,
  • termination of the employment contract with the University,
  • in the case of readers who paid a deposit - resignation, and withdrawal of the deposit.

§ 14

1. For overnight or weekend borrowings, the following rules apply:

  • 1 volume can be borrowed "overnight", no earlier than one hour before the library closes, and the return must be made by 9 the next day,
  • no more than 3 volumes can be borrowed "for a weekend"; borrowing is possible on the last day of the library's operation before the break, no earlier than one hour before its closing, and the return must be made by 9:00 a.m. on the first day of opening the library after the break.

2. In case of delayed return from the reading room:

  • the reader will be charged a fine mentioned in paragraph 3 point 2,
  • the reader's librarian account is blocked for a period of 14 days,
  • the reader will be deprived of the possibility of overnight and for weekend borrowing, and in the case of flagrant violations of the rules may be deprived of the right to use the SUM Library.


§ 15

1. The employees and students of SUM, post-graduate students of SUM can, via the Interlibrary Loan Service, order necessary materials if they are not present in the collection of the Library and other libraries of Silesian agglomeration.

2. Materials unavailable in Poland can be imported from abroad for entitled users.

3. The Reader covers the costs of shipping the materials and correspondence costs.

4. Imported materials are made available only in indicated reading rooms.

5. Terms of using the ordered materials and the possibility of potential prolongation are determined by the lending library.

6. The SUM Library has the right to decide on the type and number of loans from its own collection to other libraries.

7. Interlibrary loans from the SUM Library collection are made to other libraries for a period of 30 days.

8. Library materials are provided to libraries, not to readers. The entire liability for the lent items is taken by the ordering library.

9. In case of overdue loans overdue letter is sent obligating the library to immediate return.

10. In case of loss or damage of SUM Library items lending library is obliged to repurchase it or pay the equivalent according to the rules in the Price list.

11. Further rental from the collection of the SUM Library is possible only after settling the previous obligations.

12. The libraries not applying to the aforementioned rules lose the right to use the collection of the SUM Library.


§ 16

1. The right to deposit loans is granted to individuals mentioned in paragraph 4 point 1 of Terms and conditions..

2. Library materials are lent by use of deposit for a period of 1 month without the possibility of renewal.

3. The library reserves the right to refuse to borrow by use of deposit titles of high interest of students and SUM employees. The decision about borrowing is considered each time individually.

§ 17

1. The deposit amount is calculated for each item separately based on the item's market value. The amount mustn't be lower than the minimum amount listed in the Price list.

2. The deposit amount is subject to the approval of the Director of the Library.

3. Deposit must be paid before borrowing the item, by bank transfer indicated by the University or at the University Cashier's Office and paying-in slip should be submitted in the Library on the day of the loan at the latest.

4. Terms and conditions of overdue loans, lost or damaged items are the same as with other kinds of loans.

5. Returning the deposit on user-written requests follows a timely item return. A deposit refund is made by bank transfer on the user's bank account.

6. In case of individuals mentioned in paragraph 4 paragraph point 1 of Terms and conditions, the deposit will be credited on an account of the fine for overdue items after two overdue registered letters or if the overdue is longer than 2 months.

7. The Director of the Library in consultation with appropriate University units decides on the amount to return to the user after deduction of the fine amount. The amount to return is ultimately approved by the University Bursar.

8. Borrowed items should be returned despite paying the fine from the deposit. The reader does not acquire ownership rights to damaged or lost items.


§ 18

1. Access to the reading room is open, except paragraphs 5-8.

2. Individuals in the reading room have to:

  • leave the coats, suitcase, file cases, plastic non-transparent bags, bags (also laptop bags), umbrellas, packages in lockers or coat room,
  • register by the library desk,
  • notify the librarian on carrying in their own books or other materials,
  • keep silent,
  • restrain from using the mobile phone.

3. The reader is materially responsible for all damages of the library item caused by him/her. All noticed defects concerning the item should be notified to the librarian by the reader immediately on noticing such defects.

4. The Library is not responsible for items left by readers in the Library, including those left in lockers.

5. Computer workstations are intended for scientific or educational purposes only, especially for use of library catalogues and medical electronic resources.

6. The library employee has the right to check the use of the computer station and refuse access to selected websites.

7. In the event of a violation of the applicable terms of use from computer stations, the librarian has the right to terminate the reader's computer session and requests to release a computer station.

8. The computer rooms at the Education and Medical Simulation Center of SUM are to be used by the groups of users in accordance with the provisions of financing by the Program of Infrastructure and the Environment.

9. The user who intends to use the reading room at the Education and Medical Simulation Center of SUM should make a reservation via the Reservation system located on the web page of the Center, or by phone. The rules for bookings are determined by the Head of the Center of Education and Medical Simulation Center of SUM.

10. The computers in computer reading rooms at the Education and Medical Simulation Center of SUM are started via Electronic employee cards and Electronic student cards.

§ 19

1. The reader has the right to:

  • obtain the help of the librarian on duty in using the devices available in the library,
  • file up to 5 orders at the same time in the library system for items in the Library collection,
  • use one’s own equipment (e.g. laptop),
  • order preparation of photocopies or scans. The costs of copying are covered by the Reader in accordance with the Price list,
  • save information and documents on one’s own media, in accordance with the copyrights and conditions of the data distributors licence.

2. Individuals using the reading room have free access to available collections. Part of the collection in closed stacks is made available based on filing an order.

3. The user of computer rooms is not allowed to:

  • install software and make changes in already existing software and system settings,
  • browse through web pages containing information of erotic or vulgar character as well as violating public morality,
  • using the library computer for earning money,
  • use computer stations for purposes other than scientific.


§ 20

Copies in the Library are prepared in accordance with the provision of the act on copyright and associated rights (tekst. jedn. Dz. U. z 2006 r. nr 90 poz. 631 z późn. zm.).

§ 21

1. The charges for the services provided by the Library are increased by the VAT tax in accordance with valid provisions.

2. The cost of sending the ordered materials is to be covered by the Ordering party. Ordered copies can be also received personally after previously contacting the Library.

3. Non-invasive filming and taking photographs (e.g. with a digital camera) concerning the part of the collection, within the scope of permitted usage stipulated by the act on copyright and associated laws, using readers’ own equipment is free of charge.

§ 22

Library materials can be ordered in electronic form, printouts, and photocopies.

§ 23

The library is not performing photocopies from readers' own materials.

§ 24

1. Readers who did not return the books on time or with other due obligations toward the Library are deprived of the right to borrow library items as well as to other services until they settle their obligations.

2. The rules for vindication are determined by internal acts.

Files for download:

Reader declaration (pdf; 239 KB)

Decision No. 8/2020 from the 22.01.2020 of the Rector of the Silesian Medical University in Katowice changing the decision No. 139/2013 from the 22.10.2013 (only in Polish)

Decision No. 114/2018 from the 22.06.2018 of the Rector of the Silesian Medical University in Katowice changing the decision No. 139/2013 from the 22.10.2013 (only in Polish)10.2013 r.

Decision No. 155/2016 from the 22.09.2016 of the Rector of the Silesian Medical University in Katowice changing the decision No. 139/2013 from the 22.10.2013 (only in Polish)

Decision No. 102/2014 from the 11.07.2014 of the Rector of the Silesian Medical University in Katowice changing the decision No. 139/2013 from the 22.10.2013 (only in Polish)

Decision No. 139/2013 from the 22.10.2013 of the Rector of the Silesian Medical University in Katowice (only in Polish)