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Goals of the Department

Bibliography and Bibliometrics Department provides access to the following services:

  • accumulates bibliographic material, documenting the scientific achievements of academic staff created during the period of employment at the University in the SUM Publications Database.
  • provides citation analysis based on Web of Science and Scopus databases, verifies the content of authors' profiles, corrects bibliographic descriptions, and completes missing publications or citations in the mentioned databases,
  • conducts bibliometric analyses for the purpose of evaluation of scientific units, accreditation of departments, individual employees, postgraduate students and physicians entering the qualification procedure for medical specialties,
  • systematically reports data on the University's publication output on the platform of the Polish Scientific Bibliography

The process of creating the database involves:

  • adding descriptions of publications on the basis of copies of articles provided by authors, systematic checking of tables of contents of the latest editions of journals subscribed by the library, RSS news about publications by SUM staff in PubMed,
  • updating the indexes of names and abbreviations of SUM units, titles and abbreviations of journals, the list of personal names of academic staff, as well as the current values of the Impact Factor (IF) of the latest edition of the Journal Citation Reports database and the scoring of publications according to the Ministry's list,
  • the correct scoring of each type of publication in accordance with the Ministry's regulations,
  • completing the data required by legal acts related to the parameterisation of the University's units and the reporting of scientific achievements.