Zapraszamy do udziału w wydarzeniach Tygodnia Kreatywności 14-20 października 2024 r. Creativity Week is one of 50 Weeks in the City of Science, które są pasmem programowym wpisującym się w działania związane z przyznaniem Katowicom tytułu Europejskiego Miasta Nauki.
The week at the SUM Library is held under the theme:
Give objects a second life - upcycling workshop using bottles, containers, cards, clothes, etc.
The workshop is limited to groups of up to 20 people. Registration is mandatory.
SUM Main Library
Katowice, 14 Warszawska Street
14.10. Monday, 4.00-6.00 pm.
Decorating clothes with paintings, patches, etc.
Sign up
15.10. Tuesday, 4.00-6.00 pm.
Creating greeting cards using scrapbooking and quilling methods
Sign up
16.10. Wednesday, 4.00-6.00 pm.
Creating bracelets from string and beads using the macramé method
Sign up
17.10. Thursday, 4.00-6.00 pm.
Decorating objects with the decoupage technique
Sign up
18.10. Friday, 4.00-6.00 pm.
Creating floral brooches from ribbons and beads
Sign up
Kato Science Corner,
Katowice, 2 Mlynska Street
20.10. Sunday, 5.00-7.00 pm.
Presentation and playing of board games
Free entry