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Integration meeting of academic librarians from Katowice and surrounding areas

On September 20, 2024, an integration meeting of academic librarians from Katowice and the surrounding area was held at the Education and Medical Simulation Centre of the Silesian Medical University. The event brought together representatives of libraries from different universities, providing an opportunity to exchange experiences and build cooperation between institutions.

During the meeting, the librarians toured the Simulation Center, which aroused great interest among the participants. This gave librarians a chance to learn about modern technologies that support medical education.

The next highlight of the program was an art workshop, during which participants created collages on topics related to academic libraries. The resulting works reflected a wide range of ideas and visions about the everyday work of academic librarians, the future and present of libraries and their role in the academic community. The creative atmosphere fostered both the establishment of new contacts and the integration of library teams.

The meeting ended with a presentation of the resulting collages and an exchange of reflections, with the hope that such initiatives will continue to foster closer cooperation between academic libraries in the region.

Thank you to all participants for their commitment and creativity!

Photo gallery

The meeting was attended by librarians from the following institutions:

  • CINIBA Centrum Informacji Naukowej i Biblioteka Akademicka
  • Biblioteka Nauk o Ziemi Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
  • Biblioteka Neofilologiczna Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
  • Biblioteka Prawnicza Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
  • Biblioteka Teologiczna Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
  • Biblioteka Akademicka Akademii WSB w Dąbrowie Górniczej
  • Biblioteka Akademii Muzycznej
  • Biblioteka Akademii Sztuk Pięknych
  • Biblioteka Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego
  • Biblioteka Główna Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego
  • Biblioteka Politechniki Śląskiej
  • Biblioteka Śląskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego