Organizational Regulations of Library of the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice
§ 1
The Library of the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice consists of the Main Library and:
- Branch of the SUM Library in Katowice-Ligota with a reading room in Katowice and Bielsko-Biała,
- Branch of the SUM Library in Zabrze-Rokitnica with a reading room in Zabrze,
- SUM Library Branch in Sosnowiec,
hereinafter referred to as "SUM Library branches".
§ 2
Library of the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice:
- is a university-wide organizational unit with service, scientific and educational tasks,
- constitutes the basis of a uniform library and information system of the University,
- performs the function of the University's central documentation and information center and a publicly accessible scientific library,
- is a link to the nationwide scientific documentation and information network as well as the nationwide library network.
§ 3
- SUM Library Branches and Departments of the Main Library are created, transformed, and liquidated by the Rector - in accordance with the current research and teaching needs.
- SUM Library Branches are library and information units operating for the faculties of the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice.
§ 4
- The basis for the operation of the Library of the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice are the current legal regulations:
1) the Act of 27 June 1997 on libraries,
2) the Act of 25 October 1991 on organizing and conducting cultural activities,
3) Regulation of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage of October 29, 2008 on the method of registering library materials,
4) the Act of July 20, 2018, Law on Higher Education and Science. - The Library of the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice in its activities also uses:
1) internal documents issued at the University,
2) the norms, regulations and guidlines currently in force in Polish librarianship.
§ 5
- Tasks of the Main Library:
- providing tools for research and education in the University using appropriate collection selection, acquisition, and professional processing, as well as through documentation and information activities, enabling the fastest access to the scientific resources,
- coordinating and supervising the activities of the University's library and information network in the field of organizational matters, acquisition of library documents, as well as information and bibliographic activities and the unification of library techniques,
- keeping records and control of library collections,
- current registration of the University faculty publications, as well as providing bibliometric and citation analyses,
- training and professional development of Library staff and carrying out research in the field of library science and scientific information,
- training and teaching in the field of library introduction, scientific medical information, and bibliometrics,
- organising internships for students of library and information science, and professional internships for employees of other academic libraries,
- ongoing documentation of the University's faculty achievements as well as research, documentation, and promotion in the field of the history of medicine and pharmacy,
- information activity within the departmental and national library and scientific information systems,
- disseminating the scientific achievements of the University faculty,
- co-creation of the Polish Medical Platform and the SUM Repository and content supervision over metadata entered into the system and promotion of the Polish Medical Platform,
- developing and organizing exhibitions and shows.
- The SUM Library Branches, cooperate with the Main Library to meet the information and library needs of university faculties. in particular:
- provide information resources necessary for research and teaching in printed and electronic form, adhering to the applicable provisions of the copyright law and the terms of the license agreements,
- provide access to their collection and the collections of other libraries by interlibrary loan, following the regulations,
- are responsible for the protection of library collection and equipment against damage and theft,
- are responsible for the preservation of library collection,
- train and teach classes in the field of library introduction and scientific medical information,
- perform reprographic services from their own collections, under the conditions set out in the regulations,
- fulfill tasks commissioned by the Dean of the Faculty, approved by the Director of the Library,
- promote the Library and the University,
- assist in database searches at the request of the users,
- updates data on the library website.
§ 6
- The library provides access to its collection, scientific information, reprographic, and interlibrary loan services for a fee and free of charge. Information on paid services and the rules for their provision is included in the Price List of the Library's services and the Regulations for using the collections of the Library of the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice.
§ 7
- The library is managed by the Director, who is accountable to the Rector for its correct operation.
- The Director of the Library is appointed and dismissed by the Rector after consulting the Vice-Rector for Research and International Cooperation.
§ 8
Library Director
- is responsible for the delivery of its service, research, and teaching tasks, as directed by the University Authorities,
- supervises the correct and compliant management of the financial resources and assets allocated to the Library,
- after the end of each calendar year, by 31 August, submits to the Rector the Central Statistical Office form and the AFBN form (Analysis of the performance of scientific libraries),
- supervises the activities of organizational units included in the Library in terms of organization, rules for collection circulation and staffing,
- establish a schedule for the periodic stock checking and submit it for approval to the Rector,
- is responsible for the timely and correct stock checking and appoints the Stock Checking Board,
- act as a local administrator of personal data held by the Library and is responsible for their processing and protection,
- creates working teams to complete specific tasks, which include librarians from various units of the Library,
- performs other work ordered by the University Authorities.
§ 9
- The Library Director may act with the assistance of the Deputy or Deputies.
- The Deputy Director of the Library is appointed by the Rector on the recommendation of the Director of the Library with a positive opinion of the Vice-Rector for Science and International Cooperation.
- The duties and responsibilities of the Deputy Library Director are defined in the scope of responsibilities approved by the Library Director.
§ 10
- The organizational units of the Library are departments and branches managed by heads of departments and branches.
- The function of the head is assigned by the Chancellor.
§ 11
- The Main Library is structured in the following way:
1) Acquisition and Cataloguing Department, which:
- acquires and records items in the library collection in compliance with relevant regulations,
- exchanges items with domestic and foreign libraries through interlibrary exchange,
- participates in deselection and circulating of the collection,
- creates a computer catalogue of the collection as part of an integrated library system,
- indexes items of the collection with the MeSH (Medical Subject Headings),
- meliorates library catalogue,
- develops a catalogue of SUM doctoral dissertations as part of the Polish Medical Platform,
- by activities of system librarian ensures the proper functioning of the Aleph integrated library system,
2) Department of Bibliography and Bibliometrics, which in particular:
- registers and documents publications of the University faculty,
- performs bibliometric analyses and rankings,
- enters bibliographic data on the University's publications into systems supervised by the Ministry of Science,
- provides user training on bibliometrics, bibliography, bibliography managers, scientific identifiers, evaluation of scientific achievements,
- develops tutorials and guides on the services provided.
3) Repository and Open Science Department, which in particular:
- cooperates with the SUM Coordinator for open access to scientific publications and research results,
- runs and edits the SUM institutional repository,
- co-creates and promotes the Polish Medical Platform,
- supervises the metadata entered into the SUM Repository and the local platform of the Polish Platform of Medical Research,
- identifies and acquires objects and collections for digitisation and placing in the SUM Repository,
- qualifies the Library's resources for digitisation and when digitised places them in the SUM Repository and the Silesian Digital Library,
- keeps statistics of the SUM Repository and the local platform of the Polish Medical Platform,
- documents the performance and achievements of the University,
- collects, organises, and stores information sources on the history of medicine and pharmacy in Upper Silesia,
- creates computer databases of the History of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Upper Silesia Documentation Centre (CDDMiF) and Professors and post-doctoral fellows currently employed at the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice and collects illustration in this topic,
- organises training on Open Science,
- develops materials promoting Open Science.
- The symbols of the Library's departments and branches are attached as Appendix 1 to these Regulations.
§ 12
The Chancellor, under the authority of the Rector, performs acts of employment law in relation to Library employees.
§ 13
The heads of departments and branches of the Library report to the Library Director in terms of organisation, operation and staffing.
§ 14
The Director and heads of the branches and departments of the Library are materially responsible for:
1) unjustified lacks in the library collection, under the applicable provisions of § 114-123 of the Labor Code and the procedure to be followed in the event of damage to the employer's property, specified in the Inventory Instructions for Assets and Liabilities at the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice,
2) equipment entrusted to an employee with the obligation to settle accounts pursuant to the provisions of § 124-127 of the Labor Code.
§ 15
The scope of responsibilities of heads of departments and branches of the Library is developed and approved by the Director of the Library. The scope of responsibilities of employees of Library units are developed by their heads and approved by the Library Director.
§ 16
If the head of an organizational unit does not have a permanent substitute, he or she must appoint a staff member from the unit to replace them during their absence. The direct supervisor must agree to the replacement.
§ 17
Heads of the departments and branches of the Library are responsible to the Director for all matters carried out by a given unit and for the activities of their subordinate employees.
§ 18
The Director, the Deputy Director, the managers and the employees of all organisational units of the University Library who create and process personal databases act under the applicable legislation and are fully responsible in this respect.
§ 19
The Library of the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice may request the Rector to conclude a cooperation agreement with other libraries and institutions on the joint provision of library services, in particular with regard to:
1) making available and exchanging information resources and library materials,
2) organization of events related to the dissemination of reading and the promotion of literature,
3) professional development, organization of training, and library internships.
§ 20
- The Library's collection is build on the knowlege about its structure, the tasks of the Library and the needs of Library users.
- The collection of the library comprises various library materials. According to the law of 27 June 1997 on libraries, these are, in particular, documents containing the recorded expression of human thought, intended for dissemination, regardless of the physical medium and method of recording the content, and in particular: graphic documents (written, cartographic, iconographic and musical), sound, visual, audiovisual and electronic.
- The Library of the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice collects and provides access to the following library materials:
a) printed,
b) audiovisual,
c) electronic documents.
- The library is allowed to gather materials that are not limited to the ones mentioned in section 3.
§ 21
- The Library of the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice expands its collection by purchasing, subscribing, an equivalent for library materials lost by readers, gifts, and exchanging redundant copies with other libraries or from other sources.
- The Library of the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice may accept donations related to its activities.
- Donations referred to in paragraph 2 are subject to internal regulations. However, the Library Director will make the final decision on whether to accept them.
§ 22
- Proof of receipt is prepared for library materials delivered to the library without specifications, invoices, etc., in accordance with the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage regulations on the recording of library materials.
- The Library Valuation Board, appointed by the Library Director, estimates the value of library materials received in the above manner.
- The Board mentioned in paragraph 2 acts following the regulations introduced by the Rector's directive.
§ 23
- The Library maintains a record of its collections by documenting the items that have been added and removed. This record facilitates the identification and quantification of any changes that occur in the collection in terms of its number and value. The record is created by examining the items and verifying the receipt.
- The Library keeps two types of records - summary and detailed. The summary register records all materials received at the Library, except for serials, regardless of their source. This register is manually maintained in an arrivals register that is common to books and special collections. Detailed records are kept in a computer system that enables the printing of all or selected parts of data to create inventory books or meet other library needs. Every inventory unit is registered separately in an inventory book. Different inventory books are maintained for continuous publications, books, e-books, and special collections.
- For collections covered by the inventory books, records of items that have been removed are maintained. Detailed records of discard items are created based on evidence of discards, while summary records of discards are maintained in a discards register. Each group of collections has a separate discards register.
- The library must assess the value of its collection at least once a year. To do this, a statement is prepared that shows the value of the materials that were added or removed from the collection during the year. The library keeps detailed financial and accounting records of all materials in the collection, including their acquisition costs. If the library receives materials for free, a commission determines their estimated value.
§ 24
- The Library of the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice annually assesses the relevance and usage of its collections.
- The collection is deselected by the Board for Deselection and Discards of Library Materials appointed by the Rector.
- The Board may propose to transfer withdrawn library materials to other libraries, and students or to waste paper.
- The Board referred to in paragraph 2, operates based on the Regulations introduced by the Rector's directive.
§ 25
The regulations governing the inspection of library collections (stock checking) and the function of the Stock Checking Board are outlined in the directive issued by the SUM Rector.
§ 26
The Library of the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice provides library services to all users.
§ 27
Library collections are made available on site, lend outside, and made available remotely via a computer network.
§ 28
The rules and conditions for using the Library of the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice are set out in the Terms and conditions for using the Library's collections, introduced by the Directive of the Rector of SUM.
§ 29
The Library of the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice offers information services for its users through:
1) collected materials and databases,
2) searching for information and medical addresses on the Internet,
3) providing users with bibliographic, bibliometric, and library information,
4) training on the use of up-to-date information resources,
5) training in searching for literature for diploma and master's theses in bibliographic databases,
6) searching e-resources and preparing thematic reviews from bibliographic databases for needs other than bachelor's, master's, and doctoral dissertations,
7) producing leaflets, tutorials, and guides.
§ 30
- The library enables access to subscribed databases via the SUM computer network and remote access, following the terms of the licenses, and facilitates the use of global information resources.
- Using the Internet is free of charge.
- On the Library's computer, SUM employees and students have priority to use the electronic databases.
- The internet access provided by the Library is strictly for educational, scientific, and research purposes. It can also be used to search for library and bibliographical information. The rules for using the SUM Internet Network are outlined in the SUM-Net Regulations of the Silesian Medical University in Katowice.
- The librarian on duty may monitor computer use.
- The user is obliged to inform the librarian on duty about any damage to the equipment belonging to the library and the system at the time of noticing it.
- If a user violates any rules related to the use of the internet or performs any other prohibited activities while using the Library's computers, the librarian on duty has the right to deny them access to the computer.
§ 31
The Organizational Regulations of the Library shall come into force on the day it is passed by the Senate.
§ 32
Upon the entry into force of these Regulations, the Library's Organizational Regulations of June 26, 2013 shall no longer be applicable.
§ 33
Amendments to the Organizational Regulations of the Library may be made in the manner provided for its adoption.
Appendix 1
To the Organizational Regulations of Library
Structure and symbols of departments and branches of the Main Library of Medical University of Silesia in Katowice
No. | Organizational symbol | Organizational unit |
1. | PNB | Main Library |
2. | PNB-1 | Acquisition and Cataloguing Department |
3. | PNB-3 | Bibliography and Bibliometrics Department |
4. | PNB-4 | Repository and Open Science Promotion Department |
5. | BL-L | Branch Library of the SUM Library in Katowice-Ligota |
6. | BL-K | Branch Library of the SUM Library in Katowice-Ligota - Reading room in Katowice |
7. | BL-B | Branch Library of the SUM Library in Katowice-Ligota - Reading room in Bielsko-Biała |
8. | BZ | Branch Library of the SUM Library in Zabrze-Rokitnica (with a reading room in Zabrze) |
9. | BS | Branch Library of the SUM Library in Sosnowiec |
Organizational Regulations of Library at Medical University of Silesia in Katowice taken from:
Appendix 1 to Resolution No. 34/2022 of May 25th, 2022. Senate of SUM (text only in Polish) (pdf; 348 KB)
Resolution No. 34/2022 of May 25th, 2022. Senate of SUM (text only in Polish) (pdf; 344 KB)
Resolution No. 32/2023 of May 31st, 2023. Senate of SUM (text only in Polish) (pdf; 186 KB)
Appendix 1 to Resolution No. 32/2023 of May 31st, 2023. Senate of SUM (text only in Polish) (pdf; 96 KB)