Study at SUM!
The "Study at SUM!" project, addressed to secondary school students in the Upper Silesian and Zagłębie Metropolis, aims to encourage young people to study medicine in Silesia.
As part of this initiative, students from the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice, supported by experienced lecturers and librarians from the University, will hold classes on the following topics:
- Become an oral surgeon
- Become a laboratory diagnostician
- Become an endocrinologist
- Become a physiotherapist
- Become a dental hygienist
- Become an internist - part 1 - Physical examination and patient history
- Become an internist - part 2 - Interpretation of laboratory results
- Become a cardiac surgeon
- Become a cardiologist
- Become an infectious disease doctor (using the work of a covid hospital as an example)
- Become a neurologist
- Become an ophthalmologist
- Become an anaesthesia nurse
- Become a surgical nurse
- Become a midwife
- Become a paramedic
- Become a sexologist
- Become a forensic medical specialist
- Become a dentist
- Search for scientific information
All classes will be conducted in an attractive workshop format, using anatomical models, phantoms and a variety of medical equipment such as ultrasound machines, ECGs, pulse oximeters, blood pressure monitors, ophthalmoscopes, laryngoscopes and others. Multimedia screens and overhead projectors will also be used to make the classes as interesting and accessible as possible.
Not only does the project provide an opportunity to learn about different medical professions that are often underestimated or have a stereotypical image, but it also allows participants to try their hand at practical activities that doctors and medical staff perform every day. Participants will be able to learn how to perform surgical suturing, auscultation of the heart and lungs, inserting peripheral punctures, collecting material for laboratory tests and much more.
More informations (Polish only):