Students, doctoral students and employees of the University, as well as other persons under special conditions (Terms and Conditions of Use). Borrowing is only possible after registering in the Library.
Self-registration is possible through form on the website. After its acceptance, you have up to 7 days to activate your account at the library of your choice. In order to activate your account, you will need your student card/staff card and a completed and signed the Reader's Declaration (pdf; 81 KB). A student/employee card serves as a library card. For persons who are not SUM students/employees, a library card is issued (cost according to the Price list). Until full activation, the reader cannot borrow books but can order them from the catalogue.
On the library's home page, click the tab My Account.
Students and doctoral students can recover their passwords via the Virtual University website. SUM employees can retrieve their passwords by visiting the website. Readers belonging to other categories of users should contact any Branch of the Library by telephone. A temporary password will be sent to the email address provided during registration in the Library. Once you have logged into the library system using your temporary password, we recommend that you change your password.
Borrowing is possible after ordering a book through the library system/catalogue.
After logging in, find the book you need in the catalogue and order it from the relevant library branch. An e-mail will be sent to the e-mail address you provided when you signed up, informing you that the book is ready for borrowing. In most cases, the book waits seven working days for collection.
In the situation of free-access books, it is not necessary to make a reservation in the advance.
Materials for borrowing
Materials for use in reading rooms
- books
- flashcards
- teaching packages
- CDs/DVDs
- books
- journals
- anatomical models
- flashcards
- teaching packages
- board games
- tablets
- computers with access to the electronic resources
- CDs/DVDs
Each book has a specific status in the library system, i.e. it has information on whether it can be borrowed and for how long. There is a predominance of books with a status of: month, semester and academic year.
Each book has a specific status in the library system, i.e. it has information on whether it can be borrowed and for how long. There is a predominance of books with a status of: month, semester and academic year.
In most cases, you can renew the return dates in person at the Library, by telephone or via the library system.
Prolongation is not possible when there is already another reader waiting to return it, the status of the book does not allow it. and when a penalty has accrued.
Limits for self-renewals:
- 7 times - books with a status of less than 4 months
- 4 times - term books
- not possible - books on loan for the academic year, in this situation please contact the chosen Library Branch.
- Penalty of PLN 0.50 per day of delay for each book borrowed from the lending.
- Penalty of PLN 20.50 the first working day of delay and PLN 0.50 for each next working day for each library material borrowed from the reading room.
Not returning a book by the due date will also block your possibility to borrow books.
- quick payment: via the online payment system after logging into your account in the library system/catalogue
- personally only in cash in one of the SUM libraries
- bank transfer to the University bank account (contact: This method of payment can take even one and a half month.
When you log in to your account in the library system, as well as in Main Library and its Branches.
You should contact the library branch of your choice by email, telephone or in person.
An entry in the Virtual Deanery System can only be obtained once the books have been returned and the financial outstanding payments have been cleared.
If a SUM student is enrolled in the library of another public university, it is necessary to provide the Reading Room in Katowice in the Main Library with "confirmation of payment of obligations to the library". The confirmation is obtained by the student from the university in which the student is additionally enrolled.
Closing and deleting your library account. From then on, you can only use the collections on site in the reading rooms.
Based on:
Terms of Use of the Library Collection of the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice.