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Impact Factor, Quartiles, SNIP

The Journal Citation Reports in use since 1997 is used to analyse and evaluate journals. It presents indicators that are calculated based on citations made by individual journals. The JCR demonstrates the relationship between citing and cited journals using bibliometric indicators. The most frequently used one is the Impact Factor (IF) - the average number of citations per article of a given journal over the last two years (in other words, it is the ratio of the number of citations to the number of articles).
The database is published in 2 series: Science Edition and Social Sciences Edition.

Informujemy, że 20 czerwca 2024r. ukazała się Journal Citation Reports.

In the SUM Publications Database IF values for publications published in 2023-2024 have been automatically updated using the Web of Science Journals API. Please note that the SUM Publications Database provides information regarding IF values, five-year IF and quartiles only visible on the university network or via a proxy server.

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Search for the Impact Factor value in the database: Journal Citation Reports using the guidelines below:


Scopus is an interdisciplinary database of abstracts and citations in the fields of mathematics, natural sciences, engineering and the humanities, covering more than 20,000 publication titles from 7,000 publishers (mostly peer-reviewed scientific journals, conference proceedings and series). It also indexes online scientific resources, patent information, and trade publications.

In total, it contains 90 million bibliographic records, 17 million profiles of scientific researchers and 80,000 profiles of scientific institutions, and allows the search of citations in the indexed sources. The database allows for the preparation of citation analyses of the work of specific authors.

Search for SNIP in the SCOPUS using the guidelines below:

Instructions for searching journals with the SNIP parameter

Announcement on the removal of journals from the Web of Science Core Collection database

Communication on the removal of journals from Web of Science Core Collection.
An announcement has been made on Clarivate about the review process taking place for journals indexed in Web of Science. The result of the review is the withdrawal of some titles from Web of Science Core Collection, including those published by MDPI and Hindawi publishers.