ORCID – Open Resercher and Contributor ID
ORCID is an international system for identifying authors of scientific and scholarly work, regardless of scientific discipline or affiliation. It solves the problem of duplicate author names, different spellings of the author's name, and clarifies the identity of individuals who have changed their name or affiliation. To learn more about the ORCID identifier, download the PDF or see the this presentation (by Krzysztof Gościniak).
Please, note! For those who have not already set up their profile on www.orcid.org, please watch the instruction videos and generate your ORCID number individually.
Instructional videos
The following materials [in Polish only] are available under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Poland licence (CC BY-SA 3.0).
First steps in ORCID
Linking an ORCID account with PBN and POL-on:
For information on ORCID, please contact the Bibliography and Bibliometrics Department by: 32 208 35 66, email: bibinfo@sum.edu.pl.
Legal acts
- The Rector's Circular No. 4/2018 , of 12.10.2018 , amending the Rector's Circular No. 2/2018 , of 13.04.2018 on the obligation to set up an ORCID identifier.
- Circular of the Vice-Rector for Science of 22. November 2019 about linking a personal PBN account with an account in the Integrated Information System for Higher Education and Science POL-on and an individual ORCID identifier.