Reference Managers

The presentation includes a general overview of the bibliography managers [in Polish only], such as: Zotero, Mendeley and and Citavi.
Below are details of the selected programmes.
Elsevier's Mendeley software Elsevier that allows you to work actively on PDF files. Mendeley allows you to share your collected resources with other researchers online and to work in groups.
The main features of the programme are:
- interfacing with word processors for the instant creation of an appendix bibliography;
- quick and easy importing and organising of scientific articles from medical databases (PubMed, Science Direct, etc.) using a special tabb;
- working on materials in PDF format with the possibility of making notes and highlighting;
- networking within thematic groups.
Support materials
Please check the official guides to Mendeley on official site of Elsevier. Please register on the e-learning platform before viewing the second webinar.
Official Elsevier webinar that covers the following topics:
If you have any questions about the operation of the programme, please contact us by phone or email:
Marek Halkiewicz, phone: 32 208-36-22; e-mail:
Krzysztof Gościniak, phone: 32 370-52-59; e-mail:
EndNote 21 is Clarivate's latest bibliography manager.
Key features of the programme:
- optimise the writing process with integrated document creation tools;
- protection of the user's work thanks to the data restoration function;
- Organise individual research topics and their associated references using the EndNote Tags function;;
- time-saving access to full-text PDF files thanks to the free EndNote Click browser plug-in. EndNote Click.

The programme is free of charge for SUM employees working on the University's network. If you are interested in using the application, please contact us by e-mail: