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Online training

To view the following training courses you will need to complete the registration form.

Sessions can be replayed after logging into the platform.
If you have any problems with the display of the presentations, please contact the department:
phone (+48) 208 35 66; 208 36 17, e-mail: bibinfo@sum.edu.pl.


Good publishing practices - how and where to publish? [in Polish]

The training is aimed at anyone interested in the complexities of scientific publication. Topics covered during the training include:
- How publication works and what reliable scientific peer review means
- How to recognise a good scientific journal and what to consider when choosing a journal to publish your work.

Ms Katarzyna Gacy-Zając from ELSEVIER will run the course.

Science Direct - all about journals [in Polish only]

Description: ScienceDirect contains over 2,650 peer-reviewed science, technology and health journals. It covers 24 major scientific disciplines. Learn how to find journals and full-text articles relevant to your research. Learn how to use JournalFinder to find the best journals to publish your article.
Presented by Luke Samolinski of ELSEVIER.

The peer review process for scientific journals [in Polish only]


This training will cover in detail the peer reviewing process articles go through before being published in reliable scientific journals. It presents the principles of peer review, the process of peer review, and advice and suggestions from editorial and peer review professionals on what to consider when replying to peer review comments.
Ms Katarzyna Gacy-Zając from ELSEVIER will run the course.

How to choose the right journal? [in Polish only]

The aim of this training is to introduce good practices in journal selection, bibliometric tools and indicators that allow the selection and evaluation of scientific journals. Participants will learn how to use bibliometric metrics and how to choose a good journal to present their research. The issue of publishing in the open access model is also covered in the training.

Ms Katarzyna Gacy-Zając from ELSEVIER will run the course.

Predatory journals and how to avoid them?

Presentation (You Tube).

How to write and publish an article. Training for authors [in Polish]

Link to presentation - registration is required to run the course.

We will discuss the structure of the article as well as best practices and tips for writing and submitting the text for publication.
We will look at the editorial process. We will also discuss ethical issues that authors, reviewers, editors and publishers face on a daily basis.

How to identify relevant topics and journals with Scopus and SciVal?

Link to presentation - registration is required to run the course.

Training recorded on 16 May 2023 and available on Elsevier's You Tube channel.

More Elsevier courses

Access to Elsevier website wraz z with a calendar of upcoming online training courses and a list of recorded sessions. Follow your country page for local webinars.

You Tube channel

Web of Science / Clarivate

How to choose a journal to publish? [in Polish only]

Link - training available after registration on request.

Are you wondering which journal you should publish your paper in? Which title will guarantee broad coverage and impact for your research? Learn tips for searching and comparing journals to submit your work.
Presented by Mrs Klementyna Karlinska-Bartes (Clarivate).

Pozostałe szkolenia

Jak dobrze zaprezentować swoją pracę i dorobek naukowy?

Link - training available after registration on request.

Opis szkolenia: Chcesz poprawić swój profil w przypadku ubiegania się o awans, staż lub fundusze? Dołącz do naszego seminarium internetowego, aby dowiedzieć się, jak budować w sieci swoją tożsamość naukową, zaprezentować swoją pracę i wykazać wpływ swoich badań, aby zostać zauważonym przez oceniających.
Presented by Mrs Klementyna Karlinska-Bartes (Clarivate).

Jak wyszukać publikacje do oceny dorobku? – Web of Science i InCites w praktyce.

Link - training available after registration on request.

Opis szkolenia: Zobacz, jak zebrać pełen dorobek autora do ewaluacji wykorzystując wyszukiwanie autorskie, Rekord Autora, profil Publons, a także sprawdzić brakujące cytowania.
Presented by Mrs Klementyna Karlinska-Bartes (Clarivate).

Emanuel Kulczycki Blog [in Polish only]
Online library courses

For more information on current training courses, click here.