Declaration of availability
Medical University of Silesia in Katowice commits itself to ensuring the availability of the website by the Act of 4 April 2019 on digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications of entities in the public (Journal of Laws 2019, item 848).
The accessibility statement applies to the website
Date of website publication: 2024-03-01.
Date of last major update: 2024-03-01.
Status in terms of availability.
The website is partially compliant with the law of 4 April 2019 on the digital availability of websites and mobile applications of public entities due to the incompatibilities listed below.
Non-compliances occur in the scope of guidelines: 1.2.2, 1.2.3, 1.2.5, 4.1.1.
Preparation of the availability statement
Statement made on: 2024-03-01.
The declaration was drawn up on the basis of a self-assessment carried out by the public entity.
Keyboard shortcuts
Standard keyboard shortcuts can be used on this website.
Feedback and contact details
If there are any problems with the accessibility of the website, please contact us. The contact person is University spokesperson, Contact can also be made by calling the following telephone number + 48 32 20 83 543. Requests for inaccessible information and complaints about failure to provide accessibility can be made through the same route.
Everyone has the right to request that the digital accessibility of a website or some element of it be ensured.Każdy ma prawo do wystąpienia z żądaniem zapewnienia dostępności cyfrowej strony internetowej lub jakiegoś jej elementu. It may also be requested that the information be made available using an alternative means of access, for example by reading out a digitally inaccessible document, describing the content of a film without an audio description, etc. The request should include the identity of the person making the request, an indication of which website is being requested, and the means of contact. If the person making the request indicates a need to receive the information using an alternative means of access, he or she should also specify how the information will be presented in a manner convenient to him or her. The public body should comply with the request without delay and no later than 7 days from the date of the request. If it is impossible to meet this deadline, the public body shall inform the requester without delay when it will be possible to comply with the request, but the deadline shall not be longer than 2 months from the date of the request. If digital accessibility is not possible, the public body may propose an alternative means of accessing the information. Where a public body refuses to comply with a request to provide accessibility or an alternative means of accessing the information, the requester may complain about the provision of digital accessibility of the website, mobile application, or an element of the website or mobile application. After exhausting the procedure indicated above, a request may also be made to the Ombudsman.
Architectural accessibility
Main Library
Building Main Library is located between Warszawska and Szkolna Streets. It is separated from the streets by an area of greenery, paving slabs and a car park. There are two entrances to the building - one at the front and one at the rear.
The main entrance from Warszawska Street is located on the front wall of the building. A wide staircase with a metal railing in the middle leads to the entrance. Behind the main entrance door, there is a second door with a metal and glass construction and anti-theft gates (the distance between the widest wing of the gate is 0.82 m).
To the right of the entrance, on the ground floor of the building, is the security desk.
No ramp or platform to transport wheelchair users with disabilities. Accessible Library staff assistance upon notification by bell located near the stairs.
The second entrance is located on the rear wall of the building, on the ground floor, on the side of the internal square on Szkolna Street. The square is enclosed by a gate. The rear entrance is used for service, transport, and evacuation purposes. There is no ramp for wheelchair users with disabilities.
The Library premises are located on the first and second floors of the building. Inside the building, all floors are accessible for wheelchair users. The building is equipped with a passenger lift with Braille keys. An accessible toilet is located on level -1.
No designated disabled parking spaces.
It is possible to enter the building and all its rooms with an assistance dog and a guide dog.
There is no sign language interpreter available on site. The building is equipped with with equipment to facilitate the use of the library by persons with disabilities..
There is no Braille signage in the building, nor is there any contrast or enlarged print signage for the blind and partially sighted.
Branch Library of the SUM Library in Sosnowiec
Branch Library of the SUM Library in Sosnowiec is located in the premises on the ground floor of the Student Residence at 30 Ostrogórska St. The building is accessed by stairs and the entrance is located in the central part of the Student Residence. There is a wheelchair ramp at the entrance to the building.
The main entrance is located on the front wall of the building, accessed directly from Ostrogórska Street or from Ceglana Street. Behind the door of the main entrance is the security desk. To the right of the duty station is a corridor that leads directly to the Library Branch rooms. The second entrance is located at the rear of the building. It is used primarily for evacuation purposes in the event of a fire or other local emergency.
No designated disabled parking spaces.
An accessible toilet is located near the Library Branch premises.
It is possible to enter the building and all its rooms with an assistance dog and a guide dog.
There is no Braille signage or contrast or enlarged print signage for the blind and partially sighted in the building. The Library branch is equipped with equipment to facilitate the use of the Library by people with disabilities.
One of four sign language interpreters is available in place.
Branch Library of the SUM Library in Katowice-Ligota
Branch Library of the SUM Library in Katowice-Ligota is located in the building of the SUM Theory of Medicine Departments - C-3 (ground floor) - next to the entrance to the WNMK Dean's Office, 18 Medyków Street.
The building is accessed by a ramp used to transport wheelchair users with disabilities. Behind the entrance door, to the left, is the gatehouse, next to which there is a step and a technical metal ramp that is not wheelchair accessible.
There is a standard size metal door with a door closer leading into the Library. There is a accessible toilet in the corridor just outside the front door.
The corridor of the unit leads to the lending library, reading room and student study rooms.
Anti-theft gates are placed in front of the rental doors (the distance between the widest wing of the gate is 0.85 m).
Do wypożyczalni oraz czytelni jednostki prowadzą drzwi o standardowych wymiarach.
A second entrance to the Library is from the car park (Medyków 18). It is primarily used for evacuation purposes, in the event of a fire or other local emergency, or for transporting books.
There is no Braille signage or contrast or enlarged print signage for the blind and partially sighted in the unit's premises. The library branch is equipped with equipment to facilitate the use of the Library by people with disabilities.
It is possible to enter the building and all its rooms with an assistance dog and a guide dog.
Reading room in Bielsko-Biała branch of the SUM Library in Katowice-Ligota
Reading Room in Bielsko-Biała of the Katowice-Ligota branch of the SUM Library is located in room no. 208 on the second floor of the temporary premises of the Bielsko-Biała branch of the SUM Library - the building of the Regional Development Agency at ul. 1 Dywizja Pancerna 45 in Bielsko-Biała.
In front of the building, there is a car park with a designated space for the needs of the Bielsko-Biała Branch of the SMA. Directly in front of the entrance to the building, there are two parking spaces designated for people with disabilities.
The building is accessed by double automatic metal and glass doors of standard width. The entrance is at the level of the pavement surrounding the building (no stairs). In the main hall of the building, opposite the entrance, is the building security desk. On the other hand, to the duty station's left is the main staircase and a passenger and goods lift (Braille keys). An accessible toilet is located next to the other toilets, in the corridor to the right of the lift exit on the ground, first and third floors. The entrance to the library rooms is also located in the corridor on the right but on the second floor. The corridor is accessed by a wide metal and glass door with a door closer. The corridor leads to the library rooms (reading room, quiet study room) and the rooms of the dean's office of the ŚUM Branch in Bielsko-Biała. A standard-sized door leads to the reading room.
There is no Braille signage or contrast or enlarged print signage for the blind and visually impaired in the library premises. The Reading Room is equipped to facilitate the use of the Library by people with disabilities.
It is possible to enter the building and all its rooms with an assistance dog and a guide dog.
Zabrze-Rokitnica Library Branch
The branch of the SUM Library in Zabrze-Rokitnica consists of two facilities: Zabrze-Rokitnica Library and Zabrze Reading Room.
Library in Zabrze-Rokitnica is located in the building at 19 Jordana Street, where it occupies the ground and first floors. A narrow wooden staircase leads to the floors. There is an independent entrance to the building, which is accessed from the campus. Behind the entrance door is the first part of the staircase leading to the ground floor, where the lending library and the storerooms of the library collection are located to the right.
A second part of the staircase runs from the ground floor to the ground floor, which leads to further rooms of the BG Branch in Zabrze. On the first floor, to the left of the staircase, a corridor leads to the utility room, cloakroom, toilet, and two so-called noisy reading rooms. To the right is the entrance to the reception area, and from there is the computer reading room, office room, and three reading rooms.
There is no wheelchair ramp to the building and no wheelchair access in the building itself. There is no lift.
An access road to other SUM units runs next to the BG Unit building, which makes it impossible to designate parking spaces for the disabled. There are also no toilets for the disabled. It is possible to enter the building and all its premises with an assistance dog and a guide dog.
There is no Braille signage or contrast or enlarged print signage for the blind and partially sighted in the building. The Library branch is equipped with equipment to facilitate the use of the Library by people with disabilities.
A staff member with sign language training is available in place.
Reading room in Zabrze at 2 Traugutta Square, rooms 301 and 302, located on the third floor of the WNMZ Dean's Office building. The floor can be accessed by lift or accessed by stairs. There are no ramps for wheelchairs. There is a disabled accessible toilet in the building. It is possible to enter the building and all its rooms with an assistance dog and a guide dog. There is no Braille signage or contrast or enlarged print signage in the building for blind and partially sighted people. There are no induction loops in the Reading Room.