Biomedical resources
A full-text database; contains full texts of peer-reviewed scientific journals from many disciplines of knowledge.
Full-text database, includes full texts of medical textbooks and books, drug monographs, case reports, patient materials, graphics, multimedia.
Full-text database; contains the American Chemical Society's collection of chemical journals.
The bibliographic database; contains descriptions of publications in the field of agriculture.
3D anatomical atlas, includes images, videos, animations, vocabulary and definitions.
Bibliographic and citation database in the humanities and arts.
Full-text database; includes a collection of ejournals from BMJ Publishing Group.
A full-text database; provides up-to-date information on the prescribing, use, contraindications and side effects of medicines used in the UK.
A full-text database; contains full texts of journals and other resources in the field of history and on current business trends.
Full-text database; includes a collection of ejournals published by Cambridge University Press.
A full-text database; contains a collection of selected ebook titles.
Full-text database; includes full texts of books and journals published by Elsevier, drug monographs, patient materials, and multimedia.
A collection of databases, containing high-quality studies. They include: Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR), Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), Cochrane Clinical Answers (CCAs).
Full-text database, contains systematic reviews on the effectiveness of health care interventions.
A bibliographic database; contains reports of randomized and quasi-randomized controlled trials.
An Evidence Based Medicine type database; contains condensed answers to clinical questions based on systematic reviews from Cochrane Reviews .
3D anatomical atlas, includes images, videos, animations, vocabulary and definitions.
Bibliographic database; contains descriptions and citations of conference proceedings in the sciences.
Bibliographic database; contains descriptions and citations of conference proceedings in the social sciences and humanities.
A full-text database; contains information on medicines, enabling patient monitoring.
Full-text database; contains full texts of ebooks in medicine and related sciences.
A full-text database; contains a multidisciplinary collection of ebooks and offers access to thousands of titles on a wide range of topics.
Full-text database; contains full texts of ebooks in Polish in medicine and related sciences.
A bibliographic and full-text database; includes publication descriptions and full texts of journals, government and popular science publications in the field of climate and environmental protection.
A bibliographic and full-text database; contains a collection of public health information - full texts of journal articles, books, brochures.
A bibliographic and full-text database; contains a collection of public health information - full texts of journal articles, books, brochures.
Bibliometric database; enables analysis of the scientific output of researchers and institutions based on Web of Science data.
Note: An individual user account is required to use the service.
Full-text database; contains full texts of ebooks in Polish in medicine and related sciences.
List of titles (in Polish)
A bibliometric database; contains, among other things, information on the Impact Factor of journals.
The video database; includes educational material in science, medicine, and engineering.
Database on Polish legal information; includes commentaries, monographs, full texts of journal articles on civil law, criminal law and labour and public law.
A bibiographical database; contains descriptions of publications in library science, librarianship and scientific information.
Full-text database; contains a collection of ejournals published by Wolters Kluwer - Lippincott William and Wilkins.
Full-text database; includes drug monographs, compound descriptions and drug preparation.
A full-text database; contains a multidisciplinary collection of ebooks and offers access to thousands of titles on a wide range of topics.
International dictionary of medical terminology (thesaurus) used by regulatory authorities and the biopharmaceutical industry.
Note: A login and password are required to use the service.
Contact: Justyna Seiffert,, Phone no. 32 20 83 563
Full-text database; contains electronic publications in pharmacy and pharmacology.
Bibliographic database; contains abstracts of publications in medicine and related sciences.
Bibliographic database; contains abstracts of publications in medicine and related sciences.
Bibliographic database; contains abstracts of publications in medicine and related sciences.
Full-text database; includes images, videos, and chapters in the field of brain surgery.
Bibliographic database (includes Medline) and full-text database (includes full texts of journals and books).
Full-text database; includes a collection of ejournals from Oxford University Press.
3D anatomical atlas, a guide to the basic processes and common diseases of the human body.
The video database; contains instructional videos demonstrating practical nursing skills.
Bibliographic database; contains abstracts of Polish publications in medicine and related sciences.
A set of 3D slide images, including upper limbs, lower limbs, chest, and a number of slides in line with the curriculum.
Available online for SUM students and staff on Elearning platform after logging in.
Bibliographic and citation database in the sciences.
Bibliographic and citation database for the social sciences.
Full-text database; includes a collection of journals and books published by Elsevier.
A bibliometric database; enables analysis of the scientific output of researchers and institutions based on data from the Scopus database.
Note: An individual user account is required to use the service.
Bibliographic and citation database for the mathematical and natural sciences, engineering and humanities.
Full-text database, includes a collection of ejournals and ebooks published by Springer Nature.
Full-text database, includes radiological images, descriptions of diagnoses, case reports.
Note: A login and password are required to use the service.
Contact: Justyna Seiffert,, Phone no. 32 20 83 563
Full-text database; includes information on interactions between therapeutic drugs, proprietary medicines, herbal medicines, foodstuffs, drinks, pesticides, and drugs of abuse based on published sources including clinical studies, case reports, and systematic reviews.
A full-text database; contains a collection of ejournals published by Taylor & Francis Group.
3D anatomical atlas; contains three-dimensional representations of a human body; cross-sectional cryosection, CT, and MRI images.
Dostęp do materiałów graficznych można uzyskać ściągając spakowane pliki z obrazami ze strony VHP.,
Full-text database; includes a collection of ejournals and ebooks published by John Wiley & Sons.
Bibliographic and citation database in various fields of knowledge.