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Cennik usług i opłat

Type of service Prize
Lending services
Library account activation for 12 monthsfree of charge
Issuing a library cardPLN 15.00
Issuing a duplicate library cardPLN 15.00
Charges for returning materials after the due date:
– library materials from closed stacksPLN 0.50/per business day/per item (up to PLN 200.00 per volume)
– library materials from the reading roomPLN 20.50 for the first business day and subsequently PLN 0.50 /per business day/per item (up to PLN 200.00 per volume)
List of books (pdf; 84 KB), , which may be given to the Library as an equivalent for overdue fee charges. For more information see the Terms and conditions of using the Library.
Damaging library materials or loss of attachments to library materials (e.g. CD-ROM)PLN 40.00
Charges for loss or complete damage of library materials:
– item registered in the library from 2011replacing with the same or later edition of the title or the doubled equivalent of the book price
– item registered in the library from 1995 up to and including 2010replacing with the same or later edition of the title or the equivalent of the book price
– item registered in the library before 1995PLN 40.00
Information services
Training on database search for assignments, theses, bachelor's, master's and doctoral dissertationsfree of charge
Zestawienia tematyczne do celów innych niż prace zaliczeniowe, licencjackie, magisterskie i doktorskie:
– employees of SUMfree of charge
– other individualsPLN 35.00
Bibliometric analysis for individuals outside SUM, who attempts academic degree in SUM or professor titlePLN 5.00 per processed citation
Black printout (per page), for statutory purposesPLN 0.20
Black printout (per page), for non-statutory purposesPLN 0.80
Colour printout (per page) for statutory purposesPLN 0.40
Colour printout (per page) for non-statutory purposesPLN 1.06
Black and white photocopies (per page) for statutory purposesPLN 0.20
Black and white photocopies (per page) for non-statutory purposesPLN 0.40
Wykonanie skanowania ( za jedną stronę) w ramach działalności statutowej SUM:
– SUM employees up to 15 articles per monthfree of charge
– SUM students up to 200 pages per monthfree of charge
– other individualsPLN 0.52
Scanning (per page) for non-statutory purposesPLN 1.28
Colour photocopies (per page) for statutory purposesPLN 0.40
Colour photocopies (per page) outside the statutory purposesPLN 0.84
Interlibrary loans
Black/white copy (per page) from SUM Library collectionPLN 0.20
Scanning (per page) from SUM library collectionPLN 0.52
Lending materials from SUM library collectionfree of charge
Arranging borrowing materials from other than SUM library or research institutioncharge according to the invoice issued by a lending library
Security deposit loans (refundable charge)
Issuing a library cardPLN 15.00
Deposit (refundable) per item (plain materials)PLN 200.00 (minimum amount)
Deposit (refundable) per item (atlases and other valuable publications)current market value or PLN 200.00 (minimum amount)
Other charges
Charges for a lost or damaged key:
– to a self-service lockerPLN 50.00
– to the quiet study roomPLN 50.00
– to the group workroomPLN 50.00
The charge for keeping a key to a self-service locker after the due date, per 1 business dayPLN 5.00 (up to PLN 50.00)
The charge for keeping an electronic device after the due time, per 1 hourPLN 1.00
The charge for the repair of a damaged electronic deviceaccording to a repair service quote
Damage to an electronic devicethe cost of replacing (with the same parameters device)

Based on:

Decision No. 22/2023 of 17.02.2023 of the Rector of the Silesian Medical University in Katowice (only in Polish)