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Cambridge University Press open access publishing programme

The programme is designed for correspondence authors affiliated with the Silesian Medical University in Katowice. The programme includes over 60 open access and hybrid journal titles published by Cambridge University Press.
On the publisher's dedicated website it is possible to check detailed information on the programme - select the country and then the name of the institution (Medical University of Silesia) in the search engine.
When an article is accepted for publication, the author receives an email stating that the institution can potentially cover the APC, but the author has to check on the publisher's website themselves Read and publish agreementswhether this is the case for him or her. The exception to this is for journals that are on Ironclad (a new system for contracts), which informs the author that the APC is covered by the institution.

Correspondence authors who send an article for review should demonstrate their institutional affiliation, e.g. by providing their Orcid ID. It is also recommended to use of institutional email, which will make it easier to identify the author's institution. After the reviews and once the article has been accepted by the journal's editorial team, the author will receive an email with a link to the page of the journal in question, where the forms necessary to prepare the licence agreement can be found. An author who wishes to publish an open access article should choose one of the two forms in the 'Open Access Articles' section and select the Creative Commons licence version. The choice of form depends on whether the copyright holder of the publication is the author(s) of the publication or his/her employer(s). Once the author has completed and submitted the form, the article is routed for publication approval within the programme by the coordinator, and once the process is complete, the author will receive an email confirming that the article will be published in open access.

The entire process is described step-by-step in the guide "Step-by-step guide to publishing Open Access in Cambridge Journals” (pdf; 521 KB).

We recommend the use of summary (PDF; 604 KB; in Polish) , which will help you choose the right journal to publish your scientific article. You will find data on the ministerial score, the value of the applicable Impact Factor, a list of indexing and abstracting databases, as well as a direct link to the website of the selected journal.

(prepared on the basis of information available on the ICM UW website on previous years of the CUP consortium licence)